Visual Communication Illustrations
(aka. Sketchnotes or Visual Thinking Illustrations)
Communicating an often complicated topic or theory in a visual way through graphics and text.
Human Group Cooperation (2024)
Commissioned illustration
Client: Prof. Dr. Jörg Gross - Department of Psychology, Social & Economic Psychology section - University of Zurich [Website]
Funding + Doing - How the Agency Fund Invests in Social Ventures (published 2024)
Commissioned illustration
Client: The Agency Fund [Blog]
Cultural Brain Hypothesis (2020)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Figure from A Theory of Everyone by Michael Muthukrishna [Order]
Wealth Creation vs Wealth Appropriation (2022)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Figure from A Theory of Everyone by Michael Muthukrishna [Order]
The Evolution of Behavioural Science in Public Policy (2022)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna and Robin Schimmelpfennig
Schimmelpfennig, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2023). Cultural Evolutionary Behavioural Science in Public Policy. Behavioural Public Policy. [Publisher] [Download] [Twitter] [LinkedIn]
Models of Multiculturalism (2022)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Figure from A Theory of Everyone by Michael Muthukrishna [Order]
Chimpanzee vs Human box experiment (2023)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Based on Horner & Whiten (2005)
Figure from A Theory of Everyone by Michael Muthukrishna [Order]
Energy and Matter Timeline (2022)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Modified from original in Hall et al 1986
Figure from A Theory of Everyone by Michael Muthukrishna [Order]
Cultural & Historical Variability in Finger Counting (2023)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Based on Bender & Beller (2011)
*Based on Marmasse et al. (2000)
Figure from A Theory of Everyone by Michael Muthukrishna [Order]
Ultimate vs Proximate Explanation (2019)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Figure from A Theory of Everyone by Michael Muthukrishna [Order]
Predicting Heritability (2020)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Genetic heritability is a function of variability in the phenotypic trait, variability in the environment, including the cultural environment, and variability in genes from Uchiyama, R., Spicer, R. & Muthukrishna, M. (2021). Cultural Evolution of Genetic Heritability. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. [Download] [Summary Post] [Publisher]
Paradox of Diversity (2021)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Schimmelpfennig, R., Razek, L., Schnell, E., & Muthukrishna, M. (2021). Paradox of Diversity in the Collective Brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. [Download] [Summary Post] [Publisher] [Twitter]
Mustard Plant Family (2018)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Figure from A Theory of Everyone by Michael Muthukrishna [Order]
The Impact of the Canetoad on the Australian Ecosystem (2018)
Commissioned illustration - in collaboration with Michael Muthukrishna
Figure from A Theory of Everyone by Michael Muthukrishna [Order]